One of Credenza’s notable traits is its chameleon-like qualities. There is vast potential for customization in this program; it isn’t a simple one-size-fits-all practice management solution. You can set it up many different ways so that it meets the needs of all types of professions. Basically, you can customize Credenza so that it works the way you want it to.
When you first set up Credenza, you are prompted to select your profession from a set list (legal, accounting, consulting, or other). Could it get any easier? Well, it does! When you select one of the pre-set professions, Credenza automatically offers you pre-populated lists with industry-specific terminology. Let’s say you select Legal: you will be offered terms such as Cases or Files. Credenza even makes suggestions for related case types and contact roles.

And don’t worry, if you don’t see the term you want to use, you can simply create your own. One thing I really like is that you always have the option to change or add terms – and changes are applied to all users, so consistency is not an issue.
Getting too crazy for you? Don’t feel like we are forcing your hand to customize. If you want to keep Credenza the exact same as when you installed it, feel free. One of the most intrinsic parts of this program is that it is ready to go right out of the box, without fuss, muss or intense adaptation.
I’ll leave you with the following thought. I like to think that Credenza gets absorbed by Outlook… you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. This program really does adapt to every environment. So, is Credenza a highly specialized and intuitive practice management system or is it a really cool reptile adapting to its environment?