How To Ensure Practice Management Software Helps Rather Than Hinders Your Law Firm’s Productivity
The verb to clutter is defined as "covering with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness." Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute have proven that when our environment is cluttered and chaotic, it restricts our ability to focus. Our brains aren't able to process information as well and we become distracted — disabling us from working as well as we would in an organized environment.
A cluttered environment encourages distraction, ineffective multitasking, procrastination and a feeling of being overwhelmed.
But the danger zone isn't limited to the physical work space …
The Invasion of Techno-Clutter …
These days there's an app for absolutely everything. Legal professionals certainly know this better than most. With an endless menu of legal apps available on the market, our computer's desktop can very quickly become a victim of Techno-Clutter.
In a law practice, specialized software is certainly a necessity. Among many other things, you need an efficient way of storing client information, scheduling appointments, tracking billable hours and billing for time worked.
The challenge arises when you require multiple applications to accomplish these tasks. Your desktop will soon become a chaotic hodgepodge of icons and open windows, making it very difficult to stay focused and organized.
Having to use multiple applications brings other inconveniences as well:
1. You need the proper technology (hardware) to run these different applications.
2. You need the money to purchase all the different applications and technology.
3. You need the time to learn how to use these applications and get the real benefit from them.
What if there is an application that doesn't require any new hardware?
What if that application incorporates the most useful practice management tools into one place?
What if this application could seamlessly integrate into Microsoft Outlook — a tool as familiar to you as the back of your hand?
And what if you could easily download the application in minutes, for FREE?
Credenza is this unique tool that combines matter management, document management, calendaring, contact management, e-mail, time tracking, billing, tasks and much much more into a single interface that runs in Outlook!
Credenza is a peerless practice management tool that enables you and your firm to share information in a familiar interface. And it does it all without a server. A revolutionary "hybrid cloud" technology allows multiple users to connect to the same team, no matter where they are in the world. By using information you already have in Outlook and hyper secure Microsoft Azure technology, Credenza lets you log an e-mail onto a client file from your desk while your partner books an appointment from theirs. No extra hardware, no extra software, Outlook and an Internet connection is all you need.
Download Credenza for Free Today!
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